Green Kaizen Network for Environment Transformation

Helping Individuals, Families and Communities in transforming to Pro Planet People

At Green Kaizen Network, we understand that while awareness of environmental issues is widespread, there's a significant gap in translating that awareness into active engagement and action.

Our mission is to bridge this gap, enabling individuals, families, and communities to transform their environmental consciousness into meaningful, practical actions.


Addressing the widespread ignorance about environmental concerns and climate change, and making the public recognize the immediate need for action.


Online platform for exploring and addressing environmental concerns commonly faced by the public.


Identifying environmental challenges and proposing solutions for enhancing everyday practices.


Promoting small, ongoing improvements in our everyday habits, focusing on achievable and measurable actions that together enhance environmental sustainability.


Incorporating successful environmental practices and enhancements into daily routines and strategizing further advancements for widespread adoption.


This program is designed with following objectives..


Eight key result areas are considered for Green Kaizen Network are easily addressable and everyone can easily contribute to change the situation at our home / office / surroundings. These key result areas along with their unit of measure are

  • Electricity Saved (KWH)
  • Water Saved (LTR)
  • Travel Reduced (KM)
  • Petrol, Diesel, CNG and LPG consumption reduced (LTR / KGS)
  • Use of ecofriendly items increased (Nos)
  • Incidences of minor illness reduced (Nos)
  • One time use plastic item reduced (Nos)
  • Cooked, Uncooked and processed food wastage reduced (KG)



Hand Holding Experience


Online Course


Green Quiz 2000+ Knowledge Points


Access to
Kaizen Portal


Once the participants learn, understand and become familiar with kaizen methodology then they will be able to use the same for addressing any situation through out their life, thus providing a lifetime value addition for

  • Understanding, identifying and prioritizing problems
  • Carry out root cause analysis
  • Decide correction / improvement action
  • Setting measurable and achievable outcome targets
  • Measure achievements against set targets
  • Sustain improvements
  • Plan next improvement in PDCA (Plan, Do Check and Act)

Engagement Options

Multiple engagement options are available as detailed in table below, Choose the options that suits your use case and application.

Sr No Features Option 1 Option 2
Description Environment Awareness Program Green kaizen Network Subscription
Rs. 225 Rs. 499
1 Environmental Awareness Course Consisting Of Ebook & Video's Yes Yes
2 Green Quiz with solutions and explanation - 2000 MCQ Yes Yes
3 Continuouse Improvement Activities Yes Yes
4 Personalized tacking & DashBoards Yes Yes
5 Multiple Language Support Yes Yes
6 Kaizen Portal Access Yes

To know more about Green Kaizen Network and its engagement options for teams for your sustainable transformation journey, Please write to Pratik Jathar on

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